This framework allows us to communicate the TestsBundle with the App in order to interchange some data. It is based on the eDistantObject interprocess communication framework, and provides a simple abstraction to exchange Codable data structures.
This framework requires the implementation of two components, one in the App Bundle (Host) and other in the Tests Bundle (Client).
For the App:
let pipeHost = PipeHost<HostDataStructure>(1111) { (data: HostDataStructure) in print("PipeHost called! \(data)") }
struct HostDataStructure: Codable {
var data: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case data = "data"
For the Tests:
let pipeClient = PipeClient<ClientDataStructure>(1111)
pipeClient.send(ClientDataStructure(data: "Hello"))
struct ClientDataStructure: Codable {
var data: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case data = "data"
Note that the data structure is transformed into JSON before sending it, so there is no need to share the same Codable between bundles, just that both Codables match with the required JSON keys.