Annotation processor to generate GWT RPC async interfaces and
RxJava adapter types. Add autorpc-gwt-processor
to your classpath
(not required at runtime) and your async interfaces will be automatically
generated. Rx interfaces will be generated only if the RxJava library is in
the classpath.
Example project here. To run the example project just execute mvn gwt:devmode
from parent project.
Releases are deployed to the Central Repository.
Snapshots of the development version are available in
Sonatype's snapshots
The processor generates async interfaces for all classes annotated with
. This should works correctly almost always, but
if you do not use this annotation you can use @AutoRpcGwt
annotation included
in the autorpc-gwt-annotations
project (in this case, you should add this
project as a dependency). However, if what you want is to skip the generation
of one of yours services, you can add the annotation @SkipRpcGwt
. You can use
whatever annotation that matches this name or just add a dependency to
and use the provided one.
Async interfaces returns always Request
. GWT RPC support void
, Request
and RequestBuilder
as return types, but this libs has considered that there
are no advantages of returning void
instead of Request
. And returning
might be interesting in some situations like request cancellation
(automatically done by the Rx adapter if the observable is unsubscribed).
might be used in some cases to add some header, this return
type is not supported to simplify implementation, but you can (and, IMO should)
manipulate the RequestBuilder
using a custom RpcRequestBuilder
overriding doCreate
or doFinish
like in this example.
GreetingServiceAsync async = GWT.create(GreetingService.class);
((RemoteServiceProxy) async).setRpcRequestBuilder(new RpcRequestBuilder() {
@Override protected void doFinish(RequestBuilder rb) {
rb.setHeader("X-Custom-Header", "Hi!");