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Milos Stojanovic edited this page Feb 3, 2023 · 4 revisions

TimeCase FAQ

Is it possible to display the report for entire month instead of one day?

yes, change inside templates/ReportsListView.tpl.php this line:

<input type="text" value="<?php echo date('Y-m-d')?>" id="start" class="date-picker input-large">

with this line:

<input type="text" value="<?php echo date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("n"), 1))?>" id="start" class="date-picker input-large">

you can also use first day of current week with this code:

<input type="text" value="<?php echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime('monday this week'))?>" id="start" class="date-picker input-large">

Can I add or remove certain columns from tables layout?

Yes, you can tweak template *.tpl.php files inside templates folder. For most table layouts there will be some hidden columns under comments. You can uncomment additional columns, hide existing columns by putting them inside comment block or rearrange them to fit your specific needs. Be sure to adjust table cell (td) as well as table header (th) elements.

You can identify adjustable layout elements by searching for this string “UNCOMMENT TO SHOW ADDITIONAL COLUMNS”.

I forgot admin password

You can clear admin password by executing this sql query:

update users set password = '' where username = 'admin';

After that you can login with admin/admin123 and update any other password.

I need to alter html report.

You can do that in RenderHTML function in this file:


How can I adjust default session login timeout?

Put this on top of your index.php file after php opening tag:

session_set_cookie_params(604800,"/"); // 7 days 60*60*24*7

If you have additional session-related problems, add this as well:
