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Glenn Moynihan authored Apr 1, 2021
1 parent c608b3f commit 55e3c1a
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12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions
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FeatureTransforms.jl provides utilities for performing feature engineering in machine learning pipelines.
FeatureTransforms supports operations on `AbstractArrays` and [Tables](
FeatureTransforms.jl provides utilities for performing feature engineering in machine learning pipelines with support for `AbstractArray`s and [`Table`](

## Getting Started

There are a few key parts to the Transforms.jl API, refer to the documentation for each to learn more.

1. `Transform`s are callable types that define certain operations to be performed on data, for example, normalizating or computing a linear combination. Refer to the [Guide to Transforms]( to learn how they are defined and used on various types of input.
1. The `apply`, `apply!` and `apply_append` methods are used to implement `Transform`s in various ways. Consult the [Examples Section]( for a guide to some typical use cases. See also the example below.
1. The [Transform Interface]( is used when you want to encapsulate sequences of `Transform`s in an end-to-end feature engineering pipeline.
1. For a full list of currently implemented `Transform`s, consult the [API](

## Installation
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"Introduction" => "",
"Guide to Transforms" => "",
"Transform Interface" => "",
"Examples" => "",
"API" => "",
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11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion docs/src/
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## Transforms

### Abstract Transform Types

### Implemented Transforms
Expand All @@ -20,6 +25,10 @@ OneHotEncoding

## Transform Interface
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21 changes: 9 additions & 12 deletions docs/src/
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@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
# FeatureTransforms

FeatureTransforms.jl provides utilities for performing feature engineering in machine learning pipelines.
FeatureTransforms supports operations on `AbstractArray`s and [`Table`](
FeatureTransforms.jl provides utilities for performing feature engineering in machine learning pipelines with support for `AbstractArray`s and [`Table`](

There are three key parts of the Transforms.jl API:
## Why does this package exist?

* Subtypes of [`Transform`](@ref about-transforms) define transformations of data, for example normalization or a periodic function.
* The [`FeatureTransforms.apply`](@ref), [`FeatureTransforms.apply!`](@ref) and [`FeatureTransforms.apply_append`](@ref) methods transform data according to the given [`Transform`](@ref about-transforms), in a manner determined by the data type and specified dimensions, column names, indices, and other `Transform`-specific parameters.
* The [`transform`](@ref transform-interface) method should be overloaded to define feature engineering pipelines that include [`Transform`](@ref about-transforms)s.
FeatureTransforms.jl aims to provide common feature engineering transforms that are composable, reusable, and performant.

## Getting Started
FeatureTransforms.jl is conceptually different from other widely-known packages that provide similar utilities for manipulating data, such as [DataFramesMeta.jl](, [DataKnots.jl](, and [Query.jl](
These packages provide methods for composing relational operations to filter, join, or combine structured data.
However, a query-based syntax or an API that only supports one type are not the most suitable for composing the kinds of mathematical operations, such as one-hot-encoding, that underpin most (non-trivial) feature engineering pipelines.

Here are some resources for getting started with FeatureTransforms.jl:

* Refer to the page on [Transforms](@ref about-transforms) to learn how they are defined and used.
* Consult the [examples](@ref) section for a quick guide to some typical use cases.
* The [API](@ref) page has the list of all currently supported `Transform`s.
The composability of transforms reflects the practice of piping the output of one operation to the input of another, as well as combining the pipelines of multiple features.
Reusability is achieved by having native support for the `Tables` and `AbstractArray` types, which includes [DataFrames](, [TypedTables](, [LibPQ.Result](, etc, as well as [AxisArrays](, [KeyedArrays](, and [NamedDimsArrays](
This flexible design allows for performant code that should satisfy the needs of most users while not being restricted to (or by) any one data type.
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions docs/src/transform

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59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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# [Transform Interface](@id transform-interface)

The "transform interface” is a mechanism that allows sequences of `Transform`s to be combined (with other steps) into end-to-end feature engineering pipelines.

This is supported by the return of a `Transform`s having the same type as the input.
This type consistency helps to make `Transform`s _composable_, i.e., the output of one is always a valid input to another, which allows users to "stack" sequences of `Transform`s together with minimal glue code needed to keep it working.

Morever, the end-to-end pipelines themselves should obey the same principle: you should be able to add or remove `Transform`s (or another pipeline) to the output without breaking your code.
That is, the output should also be a valid "transformable" type: either an `AbstractArray`, a `Table`, or other type for which the user has extended [`FeatureTransforms.apply`](@ref) to support.
Valid types can be checked by calling `is_transformable`, which is the first part of the transform interface.

The second part is the `transform` method stub, which users should overload when they want to "encapsulate" an end-to-end pipeline.
The exact method for doing so is an implementation detail for the user but refer to the code below as an example.
The only requirement of the transform API is that the return of the implemented `transform` method is itself "transformable", i.e. satisfies `is_transformable`.

## Example

This is a trivial example of a feature engineering pipeline.
In practice, there may be other steps involved, such as checking for missing data or logging, which are omitted for clarity.
An advantage of the transform API is that the output can be readily integrated into another transform pipeline downstream.
For example, if `MyModel` were being stacked with the result of a previous model.

DocTestSetup = quote
using FeatureTransforms

```jldoctest transform
function FeatureTransforms.transform(data)
# Define the Transforms we will apply
p = Power(0.123)
lc = LinearCombination([0.1, 0.9])
ohe = OneHotEncoding(["type1", "type2", "type3"])
features = deepcopy(data)
FeatureTransforms.apply!(features, p; cols=[:a], header=[:a])
features = FeatureTransforms.apply_append(features, lc; cols=[:a, :b], header=[:ab])
features = FeatureTransforms.apply_append(features, ohe; cols=:types, header=[:type1, :type2, :type3])
# this could be any table-type, including a DataFrame
input = (a=rand(5), b=rand(5), types=["type1", "type2", "type1", "type1", "type1"]);
output = FeatureTransforms.transform(input);
# verify the output is transformable
is_transformable(output) && print("output is transformable")
# output
output is transformable

DocTestSetup = Nothing
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/one_hot_encoding.jl
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ of results. It defaults to a `Matrix` of `Bool`s.
Note that this Transform does not support specifying dims other than `:` (all dims) because
it is a one-to-many transform (for example a `Vector` input produces a `Matrix` output).
Note that `OneHotEncoding` needs to be first encoded with the expected categories before it
can be used. This is because the data might be missing certain categories which will lead to
incomplete classification.
struct OneHotEncoding{R<:Real} <: Transform
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