This is a copy of NOAA's National Ocean Service Operational Forecast System obtained from NOAA's PMB website: https://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/codes/nwprod/ nosofs.v[VERSION] This repository contains updates needed to run using GCC/GFortran compilers.
NOAA does not maintain a publicly available source code repository.
├── ecf # ecFlow workflow task scripts
├── jobs # "JJOB" scripts; now/forecast and prep launch scripts
├── lsf # Specific task scripts for LSF scheduler
├── modulefiles # Environment modules
├── parm # Used by NCO for data dissemination
├── scripts # Main launch scripts
├── sorc # Model source code and some 3rd party libraries
│ ├── FVCOM.fd
│ ├── ROMS.fd
│ ├── SELFE.fd
│ └── nos_*.fd # Programs for preparing forcing data
├── ush # Scripts containing the core logic
└── README.md
- Fortran, C, and C++ compilers
- MPI library
- NetCDF4
- HDF5
- NCO ProdUtils
- Jasper library
- Z library
- PNG library
- Environment module support (recommended)
- NCEPLibs (required for prep of forcing data)
- WGRIB2 (required for prep of forcing data)
RPMS of the above can be found in the following archives:
Updated RPMs: (NetCDF5, HDF5-IMPI, WGRIB2, Produtil):
If not using the RPMS above, other distributions can be found at the following:
Required for prep steps:
- NCEPLibs : https://github.com/NCAR/NCEPlibs
- WGRIB2 : https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/wesley/wgrib.html
Required to run:
- Produtils - available on PMB website pmb/codes
Fixed field files are also needed:
Download fixed field files and place them in the 'fix' directory.
├── fix
├── shared
├── cbofs | ngofs | etc.
Fixed fields can be obtained from NOAA's PMB website: https://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/codes/nwprod nosofs.v[VERSION]
Some are also available at https://ioos-cloud-sandbox.s3.amazonaws.com/public/nosofs/fix.
To build:
cd sorc
(SELFE is untested)
CBOFS example:
- Obtain ICs from AWS public S3 bucket:
https://ioos-cloud-sandbox.s3.amazonaws.com/public/cbofs/ICs.cbofs.2019100100.tgz - Untar the ICs into /com/nos, cbofs.20191001 directory is in the tar ball.
- Edit ./jobs/fcstrun.sh to make sure the paths and other parameters are correct for your system.
- Edit /com/nos/cbofs.20191001/nos.cbofs.forecast.20191001.t00z.in so that NtileI x NtileJ == number of CPUs available == NPP in fcstrun.sh
mkdir -p /com/nos
cd /com/nos
wget https://ioos-cloud-sandbox.s3.amazonaws.com/public/cbofs/ICs.cbofs.2019100100.tgz
tar -xvf ICs.cbofs.2019100100.tgz
vi ./cbofs.20191001/nos.cbofs.forecast.20191001.t00z.in
cd /save/nosofs-NCO/jobs
vi ./fcstrun.sh
./fcstrun.sh 20191001 00
- Obtain initial conditions and required meteorological forcing NOAA maintains the past two days of NOS forecasts on the NOMADS server: https://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/nos/prod/
Example CBOFS:
cd ./jobs
./getICs.sh 20191204 00
- Run the model - follow the procedure in "Running the tests" above.
Intel X86-64
GCC 6.5.0
IntelMPI 2018,2019,2020
OpenMPI 3,4
MPICH 2,3,4
CentOS7 - AWS EC2 and Docker
AmazonLinux - AWS EC2
FVCOM based models will abort with little or no information when encountering a problem in the namelist
The output log file will only show the "FVCOM" text graphics header. Solution: Run the model with a single core so the error is output to the log. Then make the required fix to the namelist file or template.
Solution: Either disable HyperThreads or use non-default mpirun bindings.
Example on 48core/96vcpu machine with 2 24 core numa regions:
mpirun -bind-to numa:2 -map-by C
Depending on the specific system architecture, the bindings needed may be different than the above.
Example: ngofs.20191206/nos.ngofs.forecast.20191206.t03z.in
Solution: Two changes are required.
- Change the following line:
(string value must be in quotes)
Reason: Some compilers (Intel Fortran e.g.) seem to nullify pointers when they are declared. GFortran does not. Note: Per the Fortran spec, associated status is undefined until allocated or explicitly assigned.
Solution: in sorc/FVCOM.fd/FVCOM_source/mod_nesting.F
after the variable declarations and re-build. This is the proper way to declare and initialize pointer variables.
Fixed in:
This is the same issue as above.
Solution: In derived type definitions, pointer varialbes should be declared with => null()
Fixed in:
NGOFS and likely any FVCOM model outputs a lot of NaNs when using the -march=skylake-avx512 build flag
Solution: Don't use that flag or test using a subset of the avx flags.
Various - multiple components are contained herein.
ecFlow : https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/ECFLOW/ecflow+home
NOMADS : https://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/nos/prod/