Welcome, you have reached my public repository of various templates for use by New Hampshire Law Enforcement Officers and Investigators. This GitHub repository houses my publicly available website located at https://resources.iotdetective.net.
This GitHub Pages site provides a list of several resources for law enforcement officers and investigators to include:
- Template Search Warrants, Non-Disclosure Orders (NDOs), Motions to Seal & Attachments
- Template Subpoena Duces Tucem
- Arrest Warrant Templates
- Other Resources and Links
All files are either in PDF, or DOCX format, and I have provided the file hash for each file to ensure integrity. All links on the website are direct download links to files stored on GitHub! GitHub is a great tool for investigators, even those not familiar with scripting languages or coding.
Looking to assist in contributing to the project? I will be creating a Wiki page to show how officers and investigators can utilize GitHub to contribute to this project by providing additional templates, suggesting modifications, or correcting documents. The Wiki page is currently under construction