Code examples for a talk on implementing bodymovin animations using Airbnb's Lottie.
Installation is configured to work with Yarn.
- Git clone this repo.
- cd to the cloned repo.
- Install the Application with
yarn install
- cd to the repo.
- Open the project in Xcode:
open ios/LottieTalk.xcodeproj
- Run the packager:
yarn start
- Run the simulator:
- iOs: start the simulator from within Xcode
▶️ - Android:
react-native run-android
(make sure you either have a simulator or an external connected device setup)
Animation files used were taken from See Credits.txt for more info.
The building animation originally has a background image embedded. This is not supported by React Native Lottie, so it won't show on iOs. On the Android device I tested it breaks the animation completely, showing nothing. To play with these examples on Android I advise you swap to a different animation.