This plugin provides basic roles and permissions management functionality for Sylius application. It's highly inspired on the old RbacPlugin.
Adding Write access to a permission automatically means adding Read access.
Write permission access means also updating and deleting.
Require plugin with composer:
composer require odiseoteam/sylius-rbac-plugin
Add plugin class and
to yourbundles.php
.return [ // ... Odiseo\SyliusRbacPlugin\OdiseoSyliusRbacPlugin::class => ['all' => true], ];
Override AdminUser entity:
a) Use AdministrationRoleAwareTrait and implement AdministrationRoleAwareInterface in the AdminUser class of your Sylius-Standard based project:
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Odiseo\SyliusRbacPlugin\Entity\AdministrationRoleAwareInterface;
use Odiseo\SyliusRbacPlugin\Entity\AdministrationRoleAwareTrait;
use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\AdminUser as BaseAdminUser;
* @ORM\Entity
* @ORM\Table(name="sylius_admin_user")
class AdminUser extends BaseAdminUser implements AdministrationRoleAwareInterface
use AdministrationRoleAwareTrait;
b) And override the model's class in the chosen configuration file (e.g. config/_sylius.yaml
model: App\Entity\AdminUser
Import routing in
:sylius_rbac: resource: "@OdiseoSyliusRbacPlugin/Resources/config/routing.yml"
Import configuration in
:imports: - { resource: "@OdiseoSyliusRbacPlugin/Resources/config/config.yml" }
Copy plugin migrations to your migrations directory (e.g.
) and apply them to your database:cp -R vendor/odiseoteam/sylius-rbac-plugin/migrations/* src/Migrations/ bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Copy overwritten
templates:mkdir -p templates/bundles/SyliusAdminBundle cp -R vendor/odiseoteam/sylius-rbac-plugin/src/Resources/views/SyliusAdminBundle/* templates/bundles/SyliusAdminBundle/
Run installation command
bin/console sylius-rbac:install-plugin
Which consists of:
Loading fixture with a default "No sections access" role.
The command runs in non-interactive mode so it will NOT purge your database. However, once you run it again it will throw an exception because of duplicate entry constraint violation.
If you want to install RBAC plugin again on the same environment you will have to remove all roles manually via administration panel or run all commands except
separately. -
Assigns role created in a previous step to all already existent administrators.
sylius-rbac:grant-access <roleName> <adminSections>
can be a space-separated list of any of these:- catalogManagement
- configuration
- customerManagement
- marketingManagement
- salesManagement
There are two ways of defining root administrator's email address:
- Provide it as a parameter in your configuration file (you will not be asked to enter it again via CLI during plugin's installation)
parameters: root_administrator_email: [email protected]
- Provide it via CLI
bin/console sylius-rbac:grant-access administrator configuration catalogManagement
In order to permit access to admin panel sections, please provide administrator's email address: [email protected]
By default, installation command creates Configurator role with access granted to all sections.
You can also use bin/console sylius-rbac:grant-access-to-given-administrator <email> <roleName> <adminSections>
command in order to provide an email address as an input parameter.
entity references AdministrationRoleInterface
, which is an abstraction layer above the default
implementation. You can easily customize it by adding a following snippet in your *.yaml
configuration file:
Odiseo\SyliusRbacPlugin\Entity\AdministrationRoleInterface: FullyQualifiedClassName
By default, RbacPlugin is provided with access configuration for basic Sylius sections (catalog, configuration, customers, marketing and sales) as well as for RBAC section, added by the plugin itself. Each section has a bunch of route prefixes associated with them, that describes which section gives permissions to which resources management.
However, usually, a Sylius application has a plenty of custom functions within existing or entirely new sections. This plugin allows you to extend its configuration, in order to restrict access to these custom routes.
For the matter of example let's assume we have a simple Supplier
resource (containing only string $name
property). It also has already generated routes, that we would like to restrict access to:
If you don't know how to create and configure custom resource in Sylius application, check out relevant documentation chapter.
The only thing required to restrict Supplier-related routes with, for example, "Customer management" permission, is adding appropriate route prefix to customers section configuration:
- app_admin_supplier
You would probably also want to add extend "Customers" section in Admin main menu (take a look at this docs chapter for more information).
As a result, each Administrator allowed to manage customers in the Admin panel would also be able to manage Suppliers. You may also notice, nothing has changed in permissions configuration form, as no new section has been added to the RBAC configuration.
What if you want to differentiate your new resources management permission? The other possibility is to define your own, custom section in a plugin configuration:
- app_admin_supplier
Curiosity: RBAC is also defined as a custom section! You can easily check it out in a plugin source code.
With such a configuration, you should notice a new permission configuration available in the Administration Role form.
To display new permission name nicely, you should also configure a translation in your application's translation file:
suppliers: Suppliers
You should take into account that by default the RBAC Plugin recognizes the admin-related routes using logic
placed in the HardcodedRouteNameChecker
class, which is the following:
public function isAdminRoute(string $routeName): bool
strpos($routeName, 'sylius_admin') !== false ||
strpos($routeName, 'sylius_rbac_admin') !== false
Let's assume that you added a new route to your application and you want it to be handled by the RBAC plugin. Once you did so, you should override the checker placed above and customize it in the following manner:
public function isAdminRoute(string $routeName): bool
strpos($routeName, 'sylius_admin') !== false ||
strpos($routeName, 'sylius_rbac_admin') !== false ||
strpos($routeName, 'your_custom_phrase' !== false
When configuring a custom section in Admin main menu, name it the same way you named it under custom_sections
key in the plugin configuration. It will be automatically hidden and shown, exactly as
basic Sylius sections!
$suppliersSubmenu = $menu->addChild('suppliers')->setLabel('Suppliers');
->addChild('supplier', ['route' => 'app_admin_supplier_index'])
->setLabel('Manage Suppliers')
->setLabelAttribute('icon', 'address card outline')
After these few simple steps, you can already give your custom permission to any already existent Administration role.
If you think that you have found a security issue, please do not use the issue tracker and do not post it publicly.
Instead, all security issues must be sent to [email protected]
This plugin is maintained by Odiseo. Want us to help you with this plugin or any Sylius project? Contact us on [email protected].