A collection of experimental lock free algorithms and data structures. I've done this mostly for experimentation, so it's definitely not production ready.
If using Intellij IDEA:
./gradlew idea
If using eclipse:
./gradlew eclipse
Give at least 1Gb of RAM (-Xms1G
) or the garbage collector will slow you down
considerably. Generally, 3Gb should be enough to run all the tests without
incurring in garbage collection penalties (-Xms3G -Xmx3G
seems to work just fine
on my Intel i5).
./gradlew perf
It's possible to pass custom arguments to JMH, for example:
./gradlew perf -Pargs='com.github.kratorius.jefs.LFStackBenchmark.* -wi 3 -i 3'
If no arguments are specified, JMH will execute all the benchmarks (which might take a while).
This software is distributed under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for more informations.