A vue.js project with sb-admin-2 bootstrap template.
SB Admin 2 Vue is an Vue front-end application based on SB Admin 2 Bootstrap template
View HTML Demo Version of Original SB Admin 2
This project has no communication with back-end, it is just a generic font-end project to be adapted to a full project.
Version 1.0.0
The project structure:
├── src/ # root folder of the projects
| ├── assets/ # third-party static js and css files
| ├── components/ # Vue.js components
| | └── ...
| ├── router/
| | └── index.js / # Vue.js router file
| └── main.js
| └── App.vue # Vue main component
├── static/
| ├── sbadmin/ # original boostrap project
This project was generated with Vue CLI version 2.9.6.
git clone https://github.com/jadsonjs/sb-admin-2-vue.git
You first need to install NodeJs thats include npm.
After install node.js, you need to install Vue CLI:
npm install -g @vue/cli (vue cli 3)
cd sb-admin-2-vue
npm install
npm run dev
Open the web brower in http://localhost:8080
As the js and css files of sb-admin were include directy in the index.html pages. First of all, to run for production you need to change the path of this files to include the "appname" folder. The default name of app is "dist". So include the "/dist" in the begining of the path to these files. After that, run the command:
npm run build
This command will generate a "dist" folder.
Serve it on some HTTP server like Node.js static file server, apache, tomcat or PM2.
See https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/deployment.html#general-guidelines
You can also rename the "dist" folder to the your "app name". In this case, you will need to change the public path to your "app name" in config/index.js
If you rename the path on index.html files to include the "dist" and server the "dist" folder on a http server .
Open the web brower in http://localhost:8080/dist