Environment : Mac
docker swarm init
$ docker build -t jayground/fluentd -f ./fluentd/Dockerfile .
$ docker build -t jayground/fluentd -f ./fluentd/Dockerfile .
you can check images you just made.
$ docker image ls
$ docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml efk
You can check service status.
$ docker service ls
You can also check with visualizer.
hit 'http://localhost:8080' on your browser.
All services should be running.
Management/Index Patterns
- local-swarm-log-*
Discover logs in Kibana
$ curl http://localhost:80
you can see new log in Kibana.
$ docker ps
34e7455b9c61 jayground/elasticsearch:latest
$ docker exec -it 34e bash
# curator --config /usr/share/elasticsearch/curator.yml /usr/share/elasticsearch/action.yml
INFO Deleting selected indices: [u'local-swarm-log-20180507']
INFO ---deleting index local-swarm-log-20180507
INFO Action ID: 1, "delete_indices" completed.
INFO Job completed.
If you don't have logs more than 2 days, It doesn't delete any logs. Because It sets up to delete all logs made 2 days prior.
# elasticsearch/curator/action.yml
unit: days
unit_count: 2
It already set up cronjob and mount on a docker container. It should run at every midnight in the elasticsearch container.
# elasticsearch/curator/crontab
0 0 * * * root curator --config /usr/share/elasticsearch/curator.yml /usr/share/elasticsearch/action.yml
refer to Install Elasticsearch with Docker
The images are available in three different configurations or "flavors".
- basic: ships with X-Pack Basic features pre-installed and automatically activated with a free license.
- platinum: features all X-Pack functionally under a 30 day trial license.
- oss: does not include X-Pack and contains only open-source Elasticsearch.
We doesn't need to install X-Pack.
# elasticsearch/Dockerfile
FROM docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-oss:6.2.4
It uses Elasticsearch Curator and Cron to empty log data every two days.
Elasticsearch Curator helps you curate, or manage, your Elasticsearch indices and snapshots.
To reduce the size, It installs Alpine version.
refer to [fluent/fluentd Docker Hub documentation]
# In the document
RUN apk add --update --virtual .build-deps \
sudo build-base ruby-dev \
&& sudo gem install \
fluent-plugin-elasticsearch \
&& sudo gem sources --clear-all \
&& apk del .build-deps \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* \
It adds fluent-plugin-concat to concat stderr and install with options to skip documents installation.
gem install —no-rdoc —no-ri
By default, RubyGems will install documents (ri, rdoc) together with gem when you install gem. —no-rdoc —no-ri options skip documents installation.
# fluentd/Dockerfile
RUN apk add --update --virtual .build-deps \
sudo build-base ruby-dev \
&& sudo gem install \
fluent-plugin-elasticsearch --no-rdoc --no-ri --version 2.9.2\
&& sudo gem install \
fluent-plugin-concat --no-rdoc --no-ri --version 2.2.2\
&& sudo gem sources --clear-all \
&& apk del .build-deps \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* \
It concats stderr per traceback. If you don't set this, it leaves every single line as log for stderr.
<filter **>
@type concat
key log
multiline_start_regexp /^Traceback/
It sets prefix as 'local-swarm-log'. So You can find index pattern with 'local-swarm-log-*' in Kibana.
<match **>
@type copy
@type elasticsearch
host elasticsearch
port 9200
logstash_format true
logstash_prefix local-swarm-log
@type stdout
Like Elasticsearch, install Kibana without X-Pack
# docker-compose.yml
image: docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana-oss:6.2.4
driver: overlay
driver: default
you can set logging option for service.
driver: "fluentd"
tag: httpd.access
- Node.ID==o51kflqvnmxunzkfr106c5g4w
how to push
$ docker build -t image_tag_name .
$ docker images
$ docker tag {image_id} {nexus_host:port}/{name}:{version}
$ docker push {nexus_host:port}/{name}:{version}
how to pull
$ docker login {nexus_host:port} -u {id} -p {password}
$ docker pull {nexus_host:port}/{name}:{version}
compose up with nexus private repository
$ docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth -c docker-compose.yml {stack_name}