Pre-releaseDespite the version number, this is the first Stork 2.0.0 alpha candidate, released from the v2 branch of the repository.
2.0.0 greatly simplifies the search algorithm. As a result, the indexing binary, WASM blob, and Javascript file are all smaller than the 1.x branch. Searches are faster. The new index format includes support for sharded indexes, meaning future indexes will be able to be made up of multiple size-limited files that get loaded dynamically as your user types. Other features, like metadata filters, will also be available in the 2.x branch.
Many things are not working currently. The config API is different, but there doesn't yet exist documentation for the new format. Stemming, title matching, and highlighting are broken, and displayed excerpts are not trimmed to word boundaries. Some settings aren't wired up properly. Many parts of the release process are not working.
Currently, only search indexes made with the 2.0.0 indexer binary can be used with the 2.0.0 web code. This lets me greatly simplify the support matrix, so I'm inclined to leave it that way; please let me know if this would be troublesome for your workflow.
Please feel free to try out the new artifacts (attached to the Github release) and let me know what you think!