Terraform module for AWS Backup.
- AWS Backup Vault
- AWS Backup Plan
- AWS Backup Resources
- IAM Role + inline policies
module "backup_vault" {
source = "git::[email protected]:jampp/terraform-aws-backup-module.git//modules/backup-vault?ref=<version>"
name = "my-backup-vault"
kms_key = "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:111111111111:key/fa1d968b-8721-4bdf-82ec-535e27624e80"
policy_statements = [{
effect = "Allow"
actions = [
principals = [
{ type = "AWS", identifiers = ["*"] }
conditions = [ ... ]
tags = {
Example = "Value"
module "backup_plan" {
source = "git::[email protected]:jampp/terraform-aws-backup-module.git//modules/backup-plan?ref=<version>"
name = "my-backup-plan"
rules = [{
name = "daily"
vault_name = "my-vault"
schedule = "cron(0 5 * * ? *)" # 05:00 am (UTC) every day
enable_continuous_backup = true
start_window = 60 # 60 min = 1 hr
completion_window = 120 # 120 min = 2 hs
recovery_point_tags = {
Tag = "Value"
lifecycle = {
cold_storage_after = 7
delete_after = 100
copy_actions = [{
destination_vault_arn = "arn:aws:backup:us-east-2:111111111111:backup-vault:example-vault"
lifecycle = {
cold_storage_after = 7
delete_after = 100
advanced_backup_setting = {
backup_options = {
WindowsVSS = "enabled"
resource_type = "EC2"
tags = {
Example = "Value"
module "resources" {
source = "git::[email protected]:jampp/terraform-aws-backup-module.git//modules/resource-selection?ref=<version>"
# Default plan id. Will be used if plan_id is not specified in resource selection
plan_id = "064b4195-335d-43e9-8e7b-d0487bfb55b1"
resource_selection = {
"my-bucket" = {
# Use an existing IAM Role
iam_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/service-role/AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole"
plan_id = "f9a56b00-79fd-4d58-817c-c205ef146ab6"
resources = [
"another-bucket" = {
# Create a new IAM Role
iam_role = {
inline_policies = {
"s3-backup" = {
file = "files/s3-backup-policy.tpl"
vars = {
bucket = "bucket-2.example.com"
"s3-restore" = {
file = "files/s3-backup-policy.tpl"
vars = {
bucket = "bucket-2.example.com"
resources = [
module "complete" {
source = "git::[email protected]:jampp/terraform-aws-backup-module.git//modules/complete?ref=<version>"
# AWS Backup Vault
create_vault = true
vault_name = "my-vault"
vault_kms_key = "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:111111111111:key/fa1d968b-8721-4bdf-82ec-535e27624e80"
vault_policy_statements = [{
effect = "Allow"
actions = [
principals = [
{ type = "AWS", identifiers = ["*"] }
conditions = [
test = "ForAnyValue:StringEquals"
variable = "kms:EncryptionContext:service"
values = [ ... ]
vault_tags = {
Example = "Value"
# AWS Backup Plan
create_plan = true
plan_name = "my-plan"
plan_rules = [{
name = "daily"
vault_name = "my-vault"
schedule = "cron(0 5 * * ? *)" # 05:00 am (UTC) every day
enable_continuous_backup = true
start_window = 60 # 60 min = 1 hr
completion_window = 120 # 120 min = 2 hs
recovery_point_tags = {
Tag = "Value"
lifecycle = {
cold_storage_after = 7
delete_after = 100
copy_actions = [{
destination_vault_arn = "arn:aws:backup:us-east-2:111111111111:backup-vault:example-vault"
lifecycle = {
cold_storage_after = 7
delete_after = 100
plan_advanced_backup_setting = {
backup_options = {
WindowsVSS = "enabled"
resource_type = "EC2"
plan_tags = {
Example = "Value"
# AWS Backup Resource Selection
select_resources = true
resource_selection = {
"my-bucket" = {
# Use an existing IAM Role
# If not specified, plan_id will default to the plan created in this module
iam_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/service-role/AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole"
resources = [
"resource" = {
# Use an existing IAM Role
iam_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/service-role/AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole"
plan_id = "f9a56b00-79fd-4d58-817c-c205ef146ab6"
# Select resources using tags
selection_tags = {
"Component" = {
value = "MyComponent"
"Backup" = {
value = "True"
# Tags for all resources
tags = {
Environment = "Production"