v2.19.0 ICAPS 2020 face lift
[2.19.0] ICAPS 2020 face lift (while attending the late night conference sessions)
The PDDL: Configure planner output target... command and the PDDL Overview Screen already helped configuring how the planner output is consumed. The three options are:
- Output window - Planner output is displayed in the VS Code Output Window Planner output.
- Terminal - Planner is executed in a terminal window. Plan is not displayed visually. Use this to interact with the planner.
- Search debugger - Same as the Output window option, but the output window and resulting plan are not revealed in order to keep the Search debugger in the forefront.
The weak spot was that there was no apparent indication in VS Code where is the planner output going to go. Now there is.
The status bar now shows both the planner selector and right next to it, the output target selector.
- Command PDDL: Preview plan accessible from the right-click menu on any .plan file in the editor now shows the plan even if the problem and domain is not associate with it.
- Planning.domains session synchronization (via the source control panel) does not show the useless commit message text input component.
Engineering work
- Codicon icon font is used in the custom views wherever possible
- Minimum requirement VS Code 1.45, update to Typescript 4 and Mocha 8
- tighter security applied to custom views. Javascripts are secured by a one time random nonce, etc...
- Added Java executable jar planner configuration kind.
- Added visualization of action (with numeric effects) iterations in relaxed plan.
- Added support out-of-the-box planner options.
- Planner executable selection usability improved on Windows - by default the file-open dialog filters all of .exe, .bat and .cmd.
- Fixed auto-completion for PDDL types, constants, predicates and functions, where a
(and )
block was created in error.
- Fixed visualization of multiple improving plans. Most of the times only the first plan would show and the improving plans would be ignored by the visualization. This was due to a race condition in the extension code..