Sorty provided a library to sort arrays and object storages by multiple properties and directions. Object storages must be implement "\Iterator" and "\ArrayAccess" interfaces.
composer require jan-maennig/sorty
./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 ./src -v
./vendor/bin/phpcpd ./src
./vendor/bin/phpunit ./tests/ --coverage-clover build/logs/clover.xml
./vendor/bin/phpmd ./src text ./phpmd.xml
./vendor/bin/security-checker security:check ./composer.lock
2017-12-04 Jan Maennig [email protected]
* Add functionality to sort object storages
2016-11-09 Jan Maennig [email protected]
* Bugfixes
* Add code checks
2016-11-01 Jan Maennig [email protected]
* Initial add array value sorter