Another search for the one ring. Thanks to Björn Fahller for writing the original code, I modified it to fit my use cases and extended it to make it have 'the usual methods' like capacity() and clear().
std::vector<int> v;
nostd::ring_span rs(v);
rs.push_back(1); // 'normal' push_back
class Foo{ std::vector<int> values; } ;
std::vector<Foo> v;
nostd::ring_span rs(v);
Foo & foo = rs.push_back(); // modify / re-use existing elements without re-construction
- mostly constrexpr (with some obvious exceptions)
- works on top of an existing container of choice, it must have .data() and .size()
- allows insertion and removal without construction or destruction of contained objects
- pushing a value beyond the capacity of the span overwrites the oldest value
- requires to be used on memory area where the size is a power of 2
The restriction allows the span to be slightly more efficient.
design considerations:
- keep the span simple
- the span overwrites the oldest value if a value is pushed in when its full
- minimal error handling, if needed it can layered on top, see safe_push
// example added exceptions for error handling
template <typename T>
void safe_push(nostd::ring_span<T> rs, T v)
if (rs.size() == rs.capacity())
throw std::runtime_error("safe_push exceeds span capacity");