First of all, a few screenshots:
Repository Details! |
Repository List | Developers List |
Trendify : An app that lists trending Github Repos and Developers. It is based on MVVM Architecture.
- Android Lifecycle components
- Glide for image loading
- Recyclerview for view rendering
- Retrofit and GSON for JSON parsing
- CircleImageView to show avatar
The app supports every device with a SDK level of at least 21 (Android Android 5.0 Lollipop+).
The app is divided into 6 Units
- adapters
- fragments
- models
- repositories
- viewmodels
- views
- DevRecyclerViewAdapter : Handles the RecyclerView adapter for Developers list
- RepoRecyclerViewAdapter: Handles the same for Repositories list
- DevelopersFragment : Acts as View for the Developers list
- RepoFragment: Handles the same for Repositories list
- Developers : POJO that is used in Retrofit as well as RecyclerView for Developers List
- Repositories: POJO that is used in Retrofit as well as Recyclerview for Repositories List
- DevRepository: Android lifecycle component which fetches data from the API for Developers List
- RepoRepository: Does the same thing for Repositories List
- RestClient: Initializes and provdies instance for Retrofit
- RestService: Defines endpoints of the API URL
- DevViewModel: Acts as a bridge between View (Activity) and Repository for Developers List
- RepoViewModel: Does the same thing for Repositories list
- MainActivity: Initializes both the fragments and helps switch between them
- RepoDetailsActivity: On clicking a Repository item, this activity opens up showing details of the repo