Social Science Dashboard Inator is a web application to fully automate data collection and analysis of daily, short online surveys.
- Persistent: Continuous measurement instead of one-off studies.
- Consistent: A simple operationalization with repeated measurement.
- Transparent: Shared microdata, downloadable analysis scripts.
- Standardized: One file, standard column structure.
- Automated: Easy setup. New data arrives in your email inbox every day. Analysis scripts re-run while you sleep.
- A demonstration implementation is available at
- A preprint describing the project: Americans' Support for AI Development - Measured Daily with Open Data and Methods
- Before uploading code, I need to remove hard-coded values specific to my implementation. I will do this soon.
There will be two tracks: Do-it-yourself (DIY) Inator and Fully Automated Luxury Data as a Public Good (FALDaPGoo) Inator.
- DIY: Fork this repository and make it work for you.
- FALDaPGoo: I am slowly developing the general purpose, fully automated version. Speedy development awaits a funder with vision.
For once-weekly-or-less updates, sign up for my research newsletter.
More about me: Jason Jeffrey Jones