$ go get github.com/jcobhams/gowalletsafrica
ignores thePaymentGateway
field of the result since we don't know what the data structure could possibly be. To avoid a runtime panic if wallets.africa ever returns something else apart fromnull
Self - Verify BVN
: This implementation is a bit confusing. The verify BVN endpoint performs an update operation.https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/10058163/SWLk4RPL?version=latest#feb190a5-53e2-45b7-84a5-77e11ea341a0
Self - Wallet To Wallet Transactions
: Could not test this endpoint on POSTMAN. Can't implement.https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/10058163/SWLk4RPL?version=latest#44de9ef6-c97b-498c-8074-4b2c3c76c706
Airtime - Purchase
: The API documentation is not very helpful and makes it a bit hard to design/test the function.https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/10058163/SWLk4RPL?version=latest#f698015a-71a5-4fe6-8c24-6677d530baa0
$ go test -v ./... -coverprofile cover.out
$ go tool cover -html=cover.out