Multiple customers are planning to eat at a bakery. For each item, the pick a latest ticket and wait for their turn to arrive. When their turn comes, they place the order, clear their ticket, goto eating. When they are hungry again, the process repeats.
Each customer picks a maximum ticket, but since this maximum can be the same for two people more preference is given to customer with smaller id. Also, if picking maximum is not made atomic, it is possible for two customers to end up ordering at the same time, so a choosing status is present for each customer.
Course: Concurrent Data Structures, Monsoon 2020
Taught by: Prof. Govindarajulu Regeti
Each customer is here to eat a lot, and there
is only on booth:
1. Places an order (see lock)
2. Eats baked item at table
... Done, but still hungry!
To avoid crowding at booth, all customers
follow this process:
1. Pick latest ticket
2. For all other customers:
a. Wait if they are choosing
b. Wait if they have early ticket, or
c. Wait if they came before you
3. Goto the booth and place order
When done placing the order:
1. Throw away your ticket
2: choosing ticket
0: choosing ticket
3: choosing ticket
1: choosing ticket
3: got ticket=2
1: got ticket=4
0: got ticket=1
3: waiting for turn
0: waiting for turn
0: placing order
0: eating
1: waiting for turn
2: got ticket=3
2: waiting for turn
0: done
0: choosing ticket
0: got ticket=5
0: waiting for turn
3: placing order
3: eating
3: done
3: choosing ticket
3: got ticket=6
3: waiting for turn
2: placing order
2: eating
2: done
2: choosing ticket
2: got ticket=7
2: waiting for turn
1: placing order
1: eating
1: done
1: choosing ticket
1: got ticket=8
1: waiting for turn
0: placing order
0: eating