Create a badge using GitHub Actions and GitHub Workflow CPU time (no 3rd parties servers)
$ npm i generated-badges -g
Usage: generated-badges [options] [--help|h]
--version, -v Show version number.
--help, -h Displays help information.
--output, -o Output svg image path.
--label, -l The left label of the badge, usually static.
--labelColor <Color RGB> or <Color Name> (default: '555')
--style Badges style: flat, classic.
--status, -s Override default status text.
--scale Set badge scale (default: 1).
--color, -c <Color RGB> or <Color Name> (default: 'blue').'
--gradient, -g Adding a gradient to a badge.'
generated-badges --output coverage/badges.svg
generated-badges --style classic
generated-badges --color red
generated-badges --gradient c05cff --gradient fa5b37
- run: mkdir -p build
- name: Generate Badges
uses: jaywcjlove/generated-badges@main
label: color
status: cyan
output: build/cyan.svg
- name: Deploy
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
github_token: xxxxxxx
publish_dir: ./build
Available color names:
- The left label of the badge, usually static. (default:label
- The right status as the badge, usually based on results. (default:status
- Badges style:flat
. (defaultclassic
- An array (comma separated) with hex or named colors of the badge value background. (defaultblue
- Hex or named color for the label. (default555
- Output image path. (defaultBADGES.svg
- Set badge scale. (default1
- Adding a gradient to a badge. (examplec05cff,fa5b37
svg image string:<svg xmlns....
- Github Release Changelog Generator A GitHub Action that compares the commit differences between two branches
- Create Tags From Auto create tags from commit or package.json.
- Github Action Contributors Github action generates dynamic image URL for contributor list to display it!
- Create Coverage Badges Create coverage badges from coverage reports. (no 3rd parties servers)
- Generated Badges Create a badge using GitHub Actions and GitHub Workflow CPU time (no 3rd parties servers)
As always, thanks to our amazing contributors!
Made with github-action-contributors.
Licensed under the MIT License.