symlinks everything to the right location
sudo apt-get install stow fzf ranger neovim xclip\
wget meson valac libvala-0.56-dev gobject-introspection\
libgirepository1.0-dev libjsonrpc-glib-1.0-dev\
zsh zsh-antigen sqlite3 ripgrep
stow -S ranger neovim zsh ripgrep
~/.dotfiles/mpv/.config/mpv/scripts % git submodule add --name mpv-youtube-ui "" youtube-ui/remote
The given URL is recorded into .gitmodules.
A submodule can be deleted by running
git rm <submodule path> && git commit.
git config -f .gitmodules --remove-section submodule.<submodule_name>
git submodule update --remote --recursive --merge
If git status
shows Submodules changed but not updated
git submodule update --init --recursive
Scripts can be passed to the --script option, and are automatically loaded from the scripts subdirectory of the mpv configuration directory (usually ~/.config/mpv/scripts/).
If a script is a directory, then the directory represents a single script. The player will try to load a file named main.x, where x is replaced with the file extension. For example, if main.lua exists, it is loaded with the Lua scripting backend.