- A blackjack game made by Jonathan Lam
- With $500 to start, you play 1v1 vs the house
- Just open the webpage or index.html, and the game will automatically start
- I used two different types of objects
- The deck
- The players
- The game is initialized when you open the page, and everything is instantly created
- The deck will deal cards to the players, so the players hold the cards within their own "hand" array
- Using player methods, cards are evaluated and the game updates accordingly
- User clicks on betting amount buttons
- The bank console is updated to represent how much the user is betting for this round
- User is presented with a start the game or deal cards button
- User clicks on the deal cards button
- Cards are dealt to each player
- Dealer has one card face down
- User is presented with hit or stay buttons
- User clicks the hit button
- User is dealt another card
- Presented with either hit or stay buttons again
- User clicks the stay button
- The dealer hits until he's above 16 or busts
- Dealer and User values are compared after if dealer hasn't busted
- The result is updated to the screen
- User clicks the Play Again button
- The user's internal values are reset, except for the current balance
- The user can update his/her current bet, and press deal cards
- User clicks the Leave Table button
- The user gets up from the table
- The user is not allowed to play another round
- The in game console is updated with a congratulations message
- As stated above, the deck and the players are made through constructor functions
- Each have their own methods, which are executed via buttons on the screen
- The menu updates with regard to which phase of the game you are in
- The Betting Phase
- The Hit or Stay Phase
- The "Should I Cash Out?" Phase
- Cleaning up the interface even more
- Adding more graphics
- Adding multiple players
- JavaScript and jQuery
- Author: Jonathan Lam
- Last updated: 8/9/2015
- Try to find the easter egg in the game