This is a simple Todo List API built with FastAPI and SQLite.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd ToDo-List-Api
- Create a virtual environment and activate it:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the application, use the following command:
uvicorn app.main:app --reload
The API will be available at
Once the application is running, you can view the automatic interactive API documentation at:
- Swagger UI:
- ReDoc:
This project uses SQLite as the database. The database file (todo_list.db
) will be created in the project root directory when you first run the application or perform a database operation.
The project includes two main models:
- List: Represents a todo list with a title and description.
- Todo: Represents a todo item with a title, details, completion status, and associated list.
POST /lists: Create a new list
- Request body:
{ "title": "string", "description": "string" }
- Response: Created list object
- Request body:
GET /lists: Retrieve all lists
Query parameters:
- skip: Number of records to skip (default: 0)
- limit: Maximum number of records to return (default: 10)
- sort_by: Sort order for lists ("asc" or "desc", default: "desc")
- search: Search list by keyword
Response: Array of list objects
GET /lists/{id}: Retrieve a specific list
- Path parameter: id (integer)
- Response: List object
PUT /lists/{id}: Update a list
- Path parameter: id (integer)
- Request body:
{ "title": "string", "description": "string" }
- Response: Updated list object
DELETE /lists/{id}: Delete a list
- Path parameter: id (integer)
- Response: No content (204)
POST /todos: Create a new todo
- Request body:
{ "title": "string", "details": "string", "completed": boolean, "due_date": datetime "priority": "high" | "medium" | "low", "list_id": integer, }
- Response: Created todo object
- Request body:
GET /todos: Retrieve todos with filtering and sorting
- Query Parameters:
- due_date: Filter by due_date
- priority: Filter by priority (high, medium, low)
- sort_by: Sort by field (due_date, priority, created_at)
- search: Search by keyword
- order: Sort order (asc, desc)
- completed: Filter by status (boolean)
- Response: Array of filtered and sorted todo objects
- Query Parameters:
GET /todos/{todo_id}: Retrieve a specific todo
- Path parameter: todo_id (integer)
- Response: Todo object
PUT /todos/{todo_id}: Update a todo
- Path parameter: todo_id (integer)
- Request body:
{ "title": "string", "details": "string", "completed": boolean, "due_date": datetime "priority": "high" | "medium" | "low", "list_id": integer, }
- Response: Updated todo object
DELETE /todos/{todo_id}: Delete a todo
- Path parameter: todo_id (integer)
- Response: No content (204)
PATCH /todos/{todo_id}/complete: Toggle todo completion status
- Path parameter: todo_id (integer)
- Response: Todo object
This project now includes full CRUD operations for both lists and todos, with advanced features including:
- Priority levels: (HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW)
- Due dates for todos
- Flexible sorting options (by due date, priority or creation time)
- Filtering capabilities (by due date, priority, search keywords and completion status)
- Error handling for invalid list and todo references
- Validation for data given
- Custom validators for fields, Specific validations for dates and priority levels
- Data sanitization for string inputs