COSI 152 Group Project Team 5
This website allows users to share their notes with each other. This solves the problem that many students face, including having unclear or incomplete notes. Using "Share Notes", students can remember the lecture better and end up with clear and complete notes as a result. The hope is that students can implement the powerful study strategy of reviewing class notes regularly.
Please check out our web app here:
- Find and view the notes of a specific course
- Add notes for a specific course
- Edit and delete one's own notes
- View the notes one has written
- Add comments and ratings for a note
- Browse comments and ratings for a note
- Save a note by adding to one's favorites
- View one's favorite notes
- Allow the user to upload a pdf file of notes
- Allow the user to view the overall rating of a note
- Private chat function
- Add future courses into our course database