scrape - scrape data from a url or a html file
get - get structured data from a group
dump - delete an existing group
flush - delete all cached html files
save - save a group or get a saved group
quit - quit the program (exit also has the same function)
clear - clears the terminal screen
scrape {--url url | --html html_file_directory} -s starting_pattern -e ending_pattern [-n data_name]
{[-g group_name] | [--pretty]} [--cache]
scrape can be used to scrape out data using a website's url or html file in your local system. The
task is achieved through a query by providing various inputs (using flags) like starting_pattern,
ending_pattern, url or html_file_directory. Other inputs include data_name, group_name.
The scraping process is implemented using starting_pattern and ending_pattern. The data in interest
should be between starting_pattern and ending_pattern, like in the below example:
<div class="format"> ... data ... </div>
In the above case, <div class="format"> is the starting_pattern and </div> is the ending_pattern.
This way the data in between is scraped out and this is implemented across the complete website code,
thus retriving all those data of similar kind.
If no -g or --group is been used, then scrape will only print the output and won't store
it in a group. In the other case, the data will be stored in the provided group (group_name) and no
output will be show. You will have to retrive the stored the data using get command.
The options(/flags) are as follows:
--url url
This option is used to specify the url. This is used to fetch the code
-s starting_pattern, --start starting_pattern
This option is used to specify the starting_pattern.
-e ending_pattern, --end ending_pattern
This option is used to specify the ending_pattern.
-n data_name, --name data_name
In case there are multiple but similar type of data, like prices of a list of products,
then this is used to specify the name of the type of data (data_name). It is used
as a key for the data in JSON format.
-g group_name, --group group_name
A group is class storing the data collect from a source. It can hold more than one kind
of data, given that they are of the same sizes (like names and prices of products). The
program has a default group called default.
default is used for storing data if no group is provided. It's cleared after the
output is printed. If you use default for group_name, then a warning is shown
asking, are you sure to use it. In such case, the output will not be printed and you have
to get the output using get.
Used to print the data in a pretty format.
HTML code of a webpage, from where the data was scraped, could be cached by using this
option. scrape will first search if there is a cached code for the webpage, if there
isn't one then only it will send the GET request.
get group_name [--pretty]
get is used to retrive structured data saved in a group, in a JSON format. A group is class storing
the data collect from a source. It can hold more than one kind of data, given that they are of the same
sizes (like names and prices of products). The program has a default group called default.
The options(/flags) are as follows:
Used to print the data in a pretty format.
dump group_name
dump is used to delete an existing group
save group_name [--name file_name | --get file_name]
save can be used to save data stored in a group in a .save file.
The option(/flags) are as follows:
--name file_name
Used to provide a name to the save file. If the file_name already exists, then it's name will be
automatically changed to file_name-(i), where i is a suitable integer. If this option(/flag) is
omitted then the name of file will be of the format group_name-sha_code, where sha_code
will be the SHA code of the data been saved.
--get file_name
Used to get a saved file.