It has been observed that the newest version of Axon works very differently. In the same way so does Spring 3.0.0.
There is a lot of work to do to upgrade all versions and hopefully make a change.
For now version 3.0.0 of this project has been made as a setback and a fresh start on a stable version.
Needs to be done:
- Reinstate Swagger
- Organize dependencies.
Old message on the Readme.md
Note: Please have a look at the log book to keep up with current changes of this project. On a quick note, this project is undergoing changes to replace MongoDB and XStream. Issue, Axon Framework issue 2365, has triggered renovations on this project. Once the working version is done, it will be tagged as 3.0.0. Plase see below for older working version
2022/12/09 - Spring Boot Release 3
Spring Boot 3.0.0, albeit being a fantastic release, it did forced to rethink the whole project.
For a quick fix, I'll try first to update from Mongo to Posgres and see if that works.
As mention in Axon Framework website, from Axon Version 3 onwards it is no longer advisable to use Mongo as the event store database.
Old mongo docker-compose declaration:
hostname: mongo
image: mongo
test: [ "CMD","echo","db.adminCommand('ping')", ">","script.js", "mongosh", "<", "script.js" ]
interval: 10s
timeout: 5s
retries: 10
New Goals:
- Remove
- Axon's
Audit tables for
(not continued - off-scope) -
Issues file creation
Pipeline segregation
Branch with faulty record example
Command/Query separation made clear
2021/08/17 - Integration test
- E2E Spring Integration test
2021/08/14 - Virtualization
- Dockerize project
- Test Containers
2021/08/11 Baseline upgrade
Upgrade to latest Axon libraries
Open issues - Why H2 and UUID's explanation - Issue 1
Mongo in Ubuntu and Windows
2021/08/09 Migration to JDK 16
2021/06/18 - Release 1.0.0