Native Android Ethereum wallet.
- Watch only
- PIN protected
- Password protected
- Burner style accounts
- Key Import ( JSON UTC, RAW and Mnemonics)
- main, görli, rinkeby, ropsten, kovan, POA, sokol, ETC, xDAI, ...
- load all chains from
- DappNode support
- Testnets with direct link to faucets (on görli and ropsten even auto-fill of address)
- one flavor contains go-ethereum light client
- Day/Night mode (Dark mode)
- display information about Security of the phone
- Sourcify support
- display function calls when available from (fallback if contracts are not verified on Sourcify)
- Keys on your device under your control
- Tokens (your own ERC-20 compatible or predefined like DAI, Unicorn, OMG, SNT, ZRC, GNO, ..) - add your own in the app or on so everyone can use it
- display value in fiat like EUR, NZD, USD, .. or MakerDAO DAI
- ERC-67 / ERC-681 / ERC-1328 URLs (e.g. scanned from QR-Code or via intent)
- ERC-55 Checksums
- EIP712 signing
- EIP155 Transactions
- WalletConnect 1.0 Support
- Offline signing (compatible to Parity signing flow)
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