Below is a recipe for the esoteric programming language Chef
It roughly implements a program that prints out a speech by Count von Count
Count von Count's Spicy Soup Challenge
The challenge sees how many rounds of Count von Count's Spicy Soup you can consume.
At each round, another Ghost Pepper is added.
This recipe takes a number of Ghost Peppers (1-9), and prints out the following for each round of the challenge:
"<number>, uh, uh uh"
For example, taking 3 rounds of Ghost Peppers would print:
1, uh, uh uh
2, uh, uh uh
3, uh, uh uh
48 g fresh coriander
Ghost Pepper (Bhut Jolokia Chili Peppers)
Take Ghost Peppers from the refrigerator
Simmer the Ghost Peppers
Serve with Count von Count's Spicy Soup
Put coriander into the mixing bowl
Add Ghost Peppers to the mixing bowl
Liquefy contents of the mixing bowl # ie bring to a boil
Mix the Ghost Peppers until simmered
Serves 1
Count von Count's Spicy Soup
44 g currants
44 g chopped red capsicum
16 ml chili paste
2 pinches black pepper
2 pinches ground Ghost Peppers
52 ml canned chopped tomatoes
117 ml tinned tomato soup
117 g ground beef
104 ml stock
2 g chopped ginger
16 g chopped red onion
117 g canned black beans
104 g chick peas
2 teaspoon ground coriander
16 g ground garlic
Put ground Ghost Peppers into the mixing bowl
Combine canned chopped tomatoes into the mixing bowl
Put tomato soup into the mixing bowl
Put black pepper into the mixing bowl
Combine chili paste into the mixing bowl
Put stock into the mixing bowl
Put grown beef into the mixing bowl
Liquefy contents of the mixing bowl # ie bring to a boil, then simmer
Put chopped ginger into the mixing bowl
Combine chopped red onion into the mixing bowl
Put chopped red capsicum into the mixing bowl
Put chick peas into the mixing bowl
Put canned black beans into the mixing bowl
Put ground coriander into the mixing bowl
Combine ground garlic into the mixing bowl
Put currents into the mixing bowl
Liquefy contents of the mixing bowl # ie bring to a boil, then simmer
This program only supports input ranges of 1-9. Although, at 9 rounds of the challenge, you would consume 45 Ghost Peppers and 9 servings of Count von Count's Spicy Soup... 🔥🔥🔥