testplan-doclet is a Javadoc doclet which allows you to generate a test plan from the Javadoc of your JUnit test classes.
The doclet contains a generic template for your test plan. However you still have the possibility to create your own template.
[Julien Giovaresco] (
- the test plan is in HTML only with limited css styles.
- the default velocity template is in french
- In Maven
<plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.9</version> <executions> <execution> <id>install</id> <phase>install</phase> <goals> <goal>test-javadoc</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> <configuration> <doclet>com.github.testplandoclet.HtmlTestPlanDoclet</doclet> <docletArtifact> <groupId>com.github</groupId> <artifactId>testplan-doclet</artifactId> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> </docletArtifact> <useStandardDocletOptions>false</useStandardDocletOptions> <additionalparam>-debug -file sample_testplan.html</additionalparam> </configuration> </plugin>
- With commandline
javadoc -doclet org.github.testplandoclet.HtmlTestPlanDoclet -docletpath /path/to/doclet/testplan-doclet-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -classpath /path/to/junit/junit-4.10.jar -debug -file target/toto.html -sourcepath src/it/java/ -subpackages fr
The options availables for the doclet are
- -application : used to the the application name in the test plan.
- -debug : used to activate the debug logging (logs are present in the file testplan-doclet.log)
- -file : used to set the file name of the test plan. This parameter is optional, if it isn't there the doclet generate a file testplan.html.
- -template : used to set the Velocity's template to use.
Tag | Cardinality | Location | Description |
@service | 1 | in the javadoc of a test class | used to define the service tested by this class |
@service | 1 | in the javadoc of a constant in a class defining requirements | used to define the service covered by the requirement |
@title | 1 | in the javadoc of a test method (annoted with @Test) | used to define the title of the test case |
@requirement | * | in the javadoc of a test method (annoted with @Test) | used to define the list of requirement covered by the test case |
@requirement | 1 | in the javadoc of a constant in a class defining requirements | used to define a requirement |
@prerequisite | 1 | in the javadoc of a test method (annoted with @Test) | used to define the prerequisite of the test case |
@input | 1 | in the javadoc of a test method (annoted with @Test) | used to define the input data of the test case |
@result | 1 | in the javadoc of a test method (annoted with @Test) | used to define the expected result of the test case |