Atif is an advanced theoretical tool for inhomogeneous fluids. Atif can be used to study many kinds of fluids near a dielectric interface (allow dielectric constant discontinuity):
- hard sphere fluids with size symmetry/asymmetry
- electrolytes including size symmetry/asymmetry and monovalent/multivalent ions
- flexible and semiflexible uncharged/charged polymers (polyelectrolytes)
- block uncharged/charged polymers and sequential uncharged/charged polymers
Currently, this theoretical tool is only for open systems (Grand-canonical ensemble). Howerver, it is very easy to make use of this tool to study issues in a closed system (canonical ensemble) with little changes (please directly contact the developer if necessary). In addition, this current version can be used to study the inhomogeneous properties near a planar surface or in a confined space.
In the future, we would also like to involve spherical and cylindrical interfaces.
I. self-consistent field theory (SCFT)
- the flexible polymer is modeled by freely jointed chain model
- the semiflexible polymer is modeled using discrete worm-like chain model
- the excluded volume effect is treated using local incompressible condition
- the electrosatic potenital is obtained using point charge model
II. density functional theory (DFT)
- the flexible polymer is modeled by freely jointed chain model
- the semiflexible polymer is modeled using discrete worm-like chain model
- the excluded volume effect is involved using modified fundamental measure theory (MFMT)
- the electrostatic potential is obtained using truncated shell model (TSM)
- the electrostatic correlations are involved using a functional mean spherical approximation (MSA)
- the non-bonded chain connectivtiy contirbutions are considered using thermodynamic perturbation theory (TPT)
I will cite the corresponding references subsequently.
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Currently, we have not set up the rules for submitting pull requests. Please directly contact the developer if you would like to contribute.
Atif is licensed under the MIT License.