Catching phishing by observing certificate transparency logs. This tool is based on regex with effective standards for detecting phishing sites in real time using certstream and can also detect punycode (IDNA) attacks such as https://www.ṁyetḣ
$ cd /opt/
$ git clone
$ cd certstreamcatcher
$ npm install
To install certstreamcatcher using npm
npm install --save certstreamcatcher
This is a playground to test certstreamcatcher
The certstreamcatcher is extremely simple, all you have to do is to import the library certstreamcatcher and certstream register the callback and call certstreamClientPhishing and pass the callback parameter to certstreamClientPhishing.
const certstreamcatcher = require('certstreamcatcher');
const certstream = require("certstream");
const regex = /(wellsfargo|paypal|login|sign-in|secure|update|money|sslsecure|amazon)/gi; # Keywords
const tlds = ['.io','.gq','.ml','.cf','.tk','.xyz','.pw','.cc']; # tlds
var client = new certstream(function(certstream) {
certstreamcatcher.certstreamClientPhishing(certstream, regex, tlds, {tlds: true});
To execute the program save the above code and execute with the command:
$ node certstreamcatcher.js
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