Curated list of interferometric software, methods and techniques
This list was developed during the 2024 Spatio-spectral Modeling for Interferometric Data Workshop (
- CASA - includes several algorithms in tclean (Max. Entropy; Adaptive Scale Pixel)
- casangi
- MPoL
- MrBeam
- LibRA
- wsclean
- radio-astro-tools -- spectral-cube, radio-beam, pvextractor, casa-formats-io
- bettermoments
- radio-astro-tools tutorials -- tutorials on using spectral-cube, fitting with spectral-cube, parallelization with dask, creating position-velocity diagrams, signal masking and moment map creation, cube reprojection
- Visread: Examining DSHARP AS 209 Weights and Exporting Visibilities -- uses CASA tools to examine the visibilities, visibility residuals, and weights of a real multi-configuration dataset from the DSHARP survey.
Pull request workflow overview
- Make your own fork of this repository:
- Add new entries to the list, either on your own machine (make a local clone), or directly on github by pressing the pencil on the upper-right of the README file:
- Commit your new entries to your forked repository:
- Create a new pull request (PR) from your fork to the main branch:
- After the PR is merged into the main repository, update your forked repository before adding new entries. Use the "Sync fork" button here: