This is Gradle version of original android-motion-detection library by Justin Wetherell
It can be used to detect motion comparing two pictures.
Android code to detection motion from by comparing two pictures. It comes with an Activity that initializes a camera and grabs two pictures and compares them.
- Created by Justin Wetherell
- Google:
- Github:
- LinkedIn:
- E-mail: [email protected]
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- Miggrated to Gradle by Jacek Kwiecień
You essentially have to override an onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera cam) method and convert from the default YUV to RGB:
int[] rgb = ImageProcessing.decodeYUV420SPtoRGB(data, width, height);
Create an object which you'll use for motion detection code:
IMotionDetection detector = new RgbMotionDetection();
Call the detect() method passing in the parameters obtained above.
boolean detected = detector.detect(rgb, width, height)
If the boolean "detected" variable is true then it has detected motion.
The RGB detection code is located in class. The image processing code is located in static class. The Activity to tie it all together is in
I have created a MotionDetection class that detects motion comparing RGB values called, a class that detects motion comparing Luminance values called, and a class that detects motion comparing avergae Luminance values in regions called
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.jkwiecien:android-motion-detector1.0.1'