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Releases: jlmelville/vizier


27 Aug 03:54
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  • Fixed bug where using recent versions of paletteer for choosing the color scheme was broken.
  • The turbo colormap (based on a github gist) has been added as the turbo function.
  • New argument rev to reverse the ordering of the colors in the palette. This is useful when comparing turbo with other rainbow palettes because turbo goes from blue to red.
  • For the new color palettes in R 4.0, you can pass them by name, e.g. color_scheme = "Okabe-Ito".
  • colorRampPalette is only used if you need to interpolate the palette (i.e. if you ask for more colors than exist in the palette). Colors will now be returned in the order they appear in the palette.


27 Sep 23:25
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v0.2 Pre-release

New feature:

  • If using fewer colors than a discrete palette offers, append ::c at the end of the name to carry out interpolation, which will use a greater range of the color scale the palette offers.

Bug fix:

  • embed_plotly was not properly handling color schemes at all. It should now work just like embed_plot.

Last MIT license release

11 Aug 03:30
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License for vizier is going to change to GPL-3 from this point on, so I can directly use GPL-licensed packages. This is the last version that is MIT licensed.