This package allows programatic access to ODMF databases with Python. It is based on requests.
The code is found on Github under a free license .
From PyPI (current version): using pip
pip install odmfclient
In an IPython console (eg in Spyder) you can use the same command with
%pip install odmfclient
To install the newest version from github do:
pip install
For other branches then main
use the above command as .../archive/<branch>.zip
from odmfclient import login
with login('https://path/to/odmf', 'user', 'password') as api:
# Get all datasets at site #1 with valuetype 1
datasets = api.dataset.list(site=1, valuetype=1)
# Get values for the first dataset found as pandas.DataFrame
df = api.dataset.values_parquet(dsid=datasets[0])
# Upload some content to a file in the ODMF-file manager
api.upload(b'Some binary content, usually what you load from a file', targetpath='path/to/file', overwrite=True)
At JLU, we are protecting our ODMF instances behind a reverse proxy
(Apache) requiring basic authentification for access from outside the
universities network using shared credentials. Of course, any other authentification at your reverse proxy with
a requests method is possible. To access such an instance, where the shared credentials for basic authentification is
and basic-password
from odmfclient import login
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
basic_auth = HTTPBasicAuth('basic-user', 'basic-password')
with login('https://path/to/odmf', 'user', 'password', session_auth=basic_auth) as api:
# Get all datasets at site #1 with valuetype 1
datasets = api.dataset.list(site=1, valuetype=1)
# Get values for the first dataset found as pandas.DataFrame
df = api.dataset.values_parquet(dsid=datasets[0])