This is a collection of useful functions, aliases, git configurations, and easy setup of a new machine.
- Core
- ZSH + Oh-My-ZSH +
- Homebrew + Homebrew Cask
- kitty + tmux + tmuxinator
- neovim
- Terminal Utilities (for full list see brew)
- macOS: Quick Lookup plugins
- macOS apps
- Go 1.18.2
- Python 3.10.4
- Ruby 3.1.0
- NodeJS 18.5.0
- Ensure your system is up to date
- Fedora
sudo dnf upgrade
- Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
- MacOS
sudo softwareupdate -i -a
xcode-select --install
Clone with Git git clone ~/.dotfiles
Run the installation script
Note: this assumes you have a bitwarden account as there are secrets that are sourced from bitwarden during the setup
source ~/.dotfiles/
$ dotfiles help
Usage: dotfiles <command>
clean Clean up caches (apt/dnf, asdf, gem)
edit Open dotfiles in vim
help This help message
update Update packages and pkg managers (packages, pip, gem, asdf)
The dotfiles community and webpro who I've adapted these from