This is a collection of stand-alone Heron examples that are based on samples from various sources. These sources include:
- The Streamlet examples within the official Heron Github repository
- The Streamlio wordcount example
- The snippits of code within the Heron online documentation:
These were created during work to implement acking for Streamlet ATLEAST_ONCE topologies.
They are meant to be run against a modified version of the 0.20.x line of Heron. This modified version is the streamlet-acks branch of my Heron fork and can be cloned or downloaded at this link.
Note that this is still a work in progress. Suggestions and/or corrections are welcome.
To run these Streamlet topologies, the following steps can be followed:
Clone or download both repos:
cd into
directory -
Build and install heron locally and add necessary jars to local maven repository. Note, I use Ubuntu.
bazel build --config=ubuntu heron/...
bazel build --config=ubuntu scripts/packages:binpkgs
bazel-bin/scripts/packages/ --user
mvn install:install -Dfile=<PATH_TO_HERON_DIR>/bazel-bin/heron/api/src/java/api-shaded.jar -DgroupId=local.heron -DartifactId=heron-api -Dversion=0.20.0 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<PATH_TO_HERON_DIR>/bazel-bin/heron/simulator/src/java/simulator-shaded.jar -DgroupId=local.heron -DartifactId=heron-api -Dversion=0.20.0 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<PATH_TO_HERON_DIR>/bazel-bin/heron/api/src/java/api-unshaded.jar -DgroupId=local.heron -DartifactId=heron-api -Dversion=0.20.0 -Dpackaging=jar
Once complete:
- cd into the directory containing the heron-examples
mvn clean assembly:assembly
(Note the POM needs to be cleaned up, but I haven't bothered to do so yet.)
Note that you can set various parameters for the examples by modifying the in the conf directory of the heron-examples project.
At this point you should be able to run the example code using the local cluster.
heron submit local target/heron-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.jmo.streamlets.<CLASSNAME> <TOPOLOGY_NAME> --deploy-deactivated
heron activate local <TOPOLOGY_NAME>
Allow to run as long as you like.
heron deactivate local <TOPOLOGY_NAME>
heron kill local <TOPOLOGY_NAME>