This repo provides two main modules for neoantigen analysis.
- Python3 (3.9.7)
- NumPy (1.21.4)
- SciPy (1.8.0)
- pandas (1.3.4)
- Pysam (0.18.0)
includes the exact versions tested, but
the modules should be most likely functional with the latest
versions of the above packages.
This tool connects separately reported somatic and germline mutations if these exist in cis (i.e. phased mutations).
The tool can run without a tumor VCF. If a tumor VCF is supplied,
the output VCFs will inherit the headers in the supplied VCF.
If the VCF is not available, the tool will generate custom VCF headers.
See [Example 1]
- Reference genome (required)
- Tumor MAF (required)
- Tumor sample name (has to match with 'Tumor_Sample_Barcode' in MAF and 'Sample_ID' in PhylogicNDT; required)
- Tumor BAM (required)
- Tumor VCF (optional)
Highly recommended to use germline information for more accurate phasing analysis.
Some germline mutations are adjacent to somatic mutations in cis, and
these impact amino acid changes. For obtaining accurate patient/sample-specific
neopeptides and neo-ORFs, it is important to take into account such
cis-germline mutations. See [Example 2]
- Normal sample name
- Normal BAM
- Normal VCF
Due to tumor heterogeneity, there is a case that subclonal mutations
exist in cis of clonal mutations. Although this observation is rare,
the tool can add tumor clonal structure information to phased somatic
mutations by using PhylogicNDT results. See [Example 3]
- Phylogic CCFs (
) - Phylogic tree (
) - Phylogic index (integer value of a specific tree, e.g. 1)
MAF file with unphased somatic mutations. If no phased mutations are found, this MAF contents will be identical to the input MAF.
VCF file with phased somatic mutations. This file will be generated only if phased somatic mutations exist. If a tumor VCF is supplied, the tool will use the header information of the VCF. As the downstream analysis, this file can be used as an input for an annotation tool, e.g. Funcotator.
MAFLITE file with phased somatic mutations. The file will be generated only if phased somatic mutations exist. As the downstream analysis, this file can be used as an input for an annotation tool, e.g. Oncotator.
VCF file with germline mutations phased with somatic mutations.
field in both somatic and germline VCFs links
between phased somatic and germline mutations. This file
will be generated only if normal BAM/VCF is supplied, and
such phased germline mutations exist.
MAFLITE file with germline mutations phased with somatic mutations.
field in both somatic and germline MAFLITEs links
between phased somatic and germline mutations. This file
will be generated only if normal BAM/VCF is supplied, and
such phased germline mutations exist.
# [Example 1] Basic run with tumor only
python3 phase \
-r genome.fa \
-m somatic_muts.maf \
-t tumor_name \
--tumor-bam tumor.bam \
--tumor-vcf tumor.vcf
# [Example 2] Add phased germline mutations (recommended)
python3 phase \
-r genome.fa \
-m somatic_muts.maf \
-t tumor_name \
--tumor-bam tumor.bam \
--tumor-vcf tumor.vcf \
-n normal_name \
--normal-bam normal.bam \
--normal-vcf normal.vcf
# [Example 3] Add clonal structure to phased mutations
python3 phase \
-r genome.fa \
-m somatic_muts.maf \
-t tumor_name \
--tumor-bam tumor.bam \
--tumor-vcf tumor.vcf \
-n normal_name \
--normal-bam normal.bam \
--normal-vcf normal.vcf \
--phylogic-ccfs phylogic.mut_ccfs.txt \
--phylogic-tree phylogic_build_tree_posteriors.tsv \
--phylogic-index 1
This tool translates phased germline and somatic mutations processed with the phase mode into peptide sequences. The tool will read clonal structure information if available.
- Reference genome
- Tumor MAF
- Tumor sample name (has to match with 'Tumor_Sample_Barcode' in MAF)
- GENCODE GTF gene annotation
See [Example 1]
Highly recommended to use germline information for more accurate translation.
- Normal sample name
- Normal MAF
See [Example 2]
RSEM gene expression matrix can be supplied to attach TPM information.
Only lengths 8, 9, 10, and 11 are supported.
If an input sample needs to use non-standard genetic code, a custom codon table can be supplied. Download the corresponding code from NCBI's genetic code website (link). To find which genetic code you need to use, search your species through NCBI's taxonomy database (link).
Once you find the genetic code of interest, copy and paste the following format from the database and create a text file.
Starts = ---M------**--*----M---------------M----------------------------
FASTA that contains eight lines per record:
- FASTA entry header
- Wild type protein sequence
- Amino acid concordance string
- Mutated protein sequence
- Mutated cDNA sequence
- cDNA concordance string
- Wild type cDNA sequence
- Exon boundary string
Each symbol in a cDNA concordance string is:
: Mutationdd
: A base before and after deleted basesi+
: Inserted bases
FASTA entry header is formatted:
> {somatic_mutation_field} ; {germline_mutation_field}
The above germline mutation filed will be only written if there are phased coding germline mutations.
TAB-separated TSV file with wild type (pep_wt
) and mutated (pep
peptides in specified lengths. There are upstream (ctex_up
) and
downstream (ctex_dn
) contexts from the mutated peptides.
and pep_end
correspond to start and end positions of
amino acids that are changed due to mutations. If users are interested
in extracting sub-sequences, use these coordinates with the above
FASTA file.
TAB-separated TSV file with neo-ORF (neoORF
) and the upstream sequence
). neoORF_start
corresponds to the start position of a
neoantigen with neo-ORF.
# [Example 1] Basic run with tumor only
python3 epitope \
-r genome.fa \
-m somatic_muts.maf \
-t tumor_name \
--gtf gencode.gtf
# [Example 2] Add phased germline mutations (recommended)
python3 epitope \
-r genome.fa \
-m somatic_muts.maf \
-t tumor_name \
--gtf gencode.gtf
-n normal_name \
--germline-maf germline_muts.maf \
--gene-expr rsem.gene.results.gz