##Reality, Virtually Hackathon - Team HoloCaptions
###Trello https://trello.com/b/XBGzL8E2/vr-hackathon
###DevPost http://devpost.com/software/holocaptions
Microsoft HoloLens
HoloToolKit-Unity https://github.com/Microsoft/HoloToolkit-Unity
Unity 5.4.0f3 - HoloLens Technical Preview Edition
#Run Instructions
To run this project, just clone the repo. If you're trying to deploy to a HoloLens emulator, it will give a null pointer exception. Sadly, the Emulator doesn't expose access to a camera so just find the FacialRec.cs script component in the FacialRecManager under the managers drop down in Unity and turn it off. This will let the Dictation component work on its own (sadly no positioning based on facial recognition, but if deployed to a HoloLens this should work).