This project is born as a way of teaching Ruby on Rails to La Rioja (spain) Ruby group.
We are planning to develop a time tracking application with support for companies, users and projects. We will also make some integration with Pivotal Tracker in order to start and finish Pivotal Tracker stories from inside our app. Nevertheless, Pivotal Tracker is not mandatory and you will be able to fully use the app without using Pivotal Tracking.
This is what we are planning to learn and use along the course:
Rails 3 MySql Haml & Sass jQuery Cucumber HTML 5 CSS Git & Github RVM
As of this being written the best HTML5 support comes from Chrome so we will test the application with Chrome. We are planning to degrade gracefully to support other major browers (Safari and Firefox at least).
Clone the application from github
git clone git://
Install all required gems
bundle install
Install and rename Restfull Authentication plugin
ruby script/rails plugin install git:// mv vendor/plugins/restful-authentication vendor/plugins/restful_authentication
Create and setup a database for development and another one for testing
rake db:create:all rake db:migrate rake db:seed #This will populate the database with some default info