Codility Lesson 1 BinaryGap Lesson 2 OddOccurrencesInArray ✔️ CyclicRotation ✔️ Lesson 3 TapeEquilibrium FrogJmp ✔️ PermMissingElem ✔️ Lesson 4 PermCheck ✔️ FrogRiverOne ✔️ MissingInteger ✔️ MaxCounters Lesson 5 CountDiv PassingCars ✔️ MinAvgTwoSlice GenomicRangeQuery Lesson 6 Distinct ✔️ Triangle MaxProductOfThree NumberOfDiscIntersections Lesson 7 Brackets ✔️ StoneWall Fish Nesting ✔️ Lesson 8 EquiLeader Dominator ✔️ Lesson 9 MaxSliceSum MaxProfit ✔️ MaxDoubleSliceSum Lesson 10 CountFactors MinPerimeterRectangle Peaks Flags Lesson 11 CountSemiprimes CountNonDivisible ... License The source code is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.