This is a straightforward demonstration of an Apache Kafka with NodeJS, featuring a dead letter queue functionality. Each message in the Kafka queue contains subscription data for an email campaign. The contact submission consumer's main task is to attempt the submission of the subscription data to a campaign API. In the event of a failure during this process, the message will be forwarded to the dead letter queue. Here, it will be accompanied by a reason for the failure and a timestamp, providing valuable information about the unsuccessful attempt.
- Docker or you can setup kafka on your own
- Nodejs >= 18.12.0.
The provided docker compose file offers a easy quick setup for Kafka.
docker-compose up -d
To utilize the following commands, please download Kafka from official website to your local machine and navigate to
the bin
./ --create --bootstrap-server --replication-factor 1 --partitions 4 --topic contact-submission-queue
./ --create --bootstrap-server --replication-factor 1 --partitions 2 --topic dead-letter-queue
Created topics can be easily listed by running following command.
./ --list --bootstrap-server
Output should be something like:
$ npm i
Copy .env.example
to .env
. Create a dummy campaign list at klaviyo and replace .env
configuration with your credentials.
The contact submission service is designed to retrieve messages from the contact-submission-queue
and attempt to submit
contact data to a third-party API. Contact submission service will join into a Kafka consumer group, you can deploy multiple
instances of this service in various locations, enabling parallel processing of messages.
node src/contactSubmission.js
In the event of a failed contact submission due to an API error, the data will be moved to a dead letter, allowing for later analysis and investigation.
node src/deadLetter.js
node src/sendTestData.js
send to >>> contact-submission-queue - 1
send to >>> contact-submission-queue - 3
Describe a topic:
bin/ --describe --bootstrap-server --topic provider
Increase topic partitions:
bin/ --bootstrap-server --alter --topic provider --partitions 4
Joynal Abedin - Joynal
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details