Toying with remix and effect to get some fancy errors reporting using effect-errors.
We basically need two things on remix to achieve our goal:
- A custom remix loader accepting an effect and throwing effect errors details.
- An Error boundary to display that information if an error occurs.
import type { LoaderFunctionArgs } from '@remix-run/server-runtime';
import { Effect, pipe } from 'effect';
import { collectErrorDetails } from './logic/collect-error-details';
import { remixThrow } from './logic/remix-throw';
export const effectLoader =
<A, E>(effect: (args: LoaderFunctionArgs) => Effect.Effect<A, E>) =>
async (args: LoaderFunctionArgs) =>
await Effect.runPromise(
effect(args), => ({ _tag: 'success' as const, data })),
If the effect fails, we retrieve errors data and related code:
- In dev mode, effect-errors will use sourcemaps to extract code excerpts related to the error.
- In production however, we must fetch the map file (uploaded in our example on cloudflare R2), and read it to extract sources.
export const collectErrorDetails = <E>(cause: Cause<E>) =>
Effect.gen(function* () {
// Serverside logging
const errorsText = prettyPrint(cause, { stripCwd: false });
const { errors } = yield* captureErrors(cause, {});
if (errors.every((e) => e.location !== undefined)) {
// Fetch map file and resolve sourcemaps ...
const errorsWithSources = yield* getErrorSourcesFromMapFile(errors);
return yield* Effect.succeed({
_tag: 'effect-post-mapped-errors' as const,
errors: errorsWithSources,
// in Dev mode, sources are resolved by effect-errors
return yield* Effect.succeed({
_tag: 'effect-natively-mapped-errors' as const,
We need to pipe on the promise because remix expects us to throw a json
function result from the loader for errors:
import { json } from '@remix-run/server-runtime';
import { Match } from 'effect';
import type {
} from '../types/effect-loader.types';
type RemixThrowInput<A> = EffectLoaderSuccess<A> | EffectLoaderError;
const effectHasSucceeded = <A>(
p: RemixThrowInput<A>,
): p is EffectLoaderSuccess<A> => p._tag === 'success';
export const remixThrow = <A>(input: RemixThrowInput<A>) =>
Match.when(effectHasSucceeded, ({ data }) => data),
Match.orElse((data) => {
throw json(data, { status: 500 });
First, let's create a hook to get errors data:
import {
} from '@remix-run/react';
import type {
} from '@server/loader/types/effect-loader.types';
import { isUnknownAnEffectError } from './logic/is-uknown-an-effect-error.logic';
import { mapEffectErrorTypes } from './logic/map-effect-error-types';
export type EffectPostMappedErrorsWithPath = EffectPostMappedErrors & {
path: string;
export type EffectNativelyMappedErrorsWithPath = EffectNativelyMappedErrors & {
path: string;
export type ErrorsDetails =
| {
_tag: 'route' | 'error' | 'unknown';
path: string;
errors: {
message: string;
| EffectPostMappedErrorsWithPath
| EffectNativelyMappedErrorsWithPath;
export const useErrorDetails = (): ErrorsDetails => {
const { pathname } = useLocation();
const error = useRouteError();
if (isUnknownAnEffectError(error)) {
return mapEffectErrorTypes(error, pathname);
const isRoute = isRouteErrorResponse(error);
if (isRoute) {
return {
_tag: 'route' as const,
path: pathname,
errors: [
message: `${error.statusText}`,
if (error instanceof Error) {
return {
_tag: 'error' as const,
path: pathname,
errors: [error],
return {
_tag: 'unknown' as const,
path: pathname,
errors: [{ message: 'Unknown Error' }],
We can then focus on displaying our errors data...
import { AppErrors } from './children/app-errors';
import { Summary } from './children/summary';
import { errorBoundaryStyles } from './error-boundary.styles';
import { useErrorDetails } from './hooks/use-error-details';
export const ErrorBoundary = () => {
const css = errorBoundaryStyles();
const data = useErrorDetails();
return (
<div className={css.root}>
<Summary {} />
<AppErrors {} />