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Rack Application with Ruby Maven

Christian Meier edited this page Jun 30, 2014 · 2 revisions

the expected layout for such a project looks like this:

├── Gemfile
├── lib
|   └── ....
└── public

next we need a Mavenfile which configures the WAR-plugin and GEM-plugin.


packaging :war

pom( 'org.jruby:jruby', '1.7.13' )
jar( 'org.jruby.rack:jruby-rack', '1.1.14', 
     :exclusions => [ 'org.jruby:jruby-complete' ] )

jruby_plugin!( :gem,
               :includeLibDirectoryInResources => true,
			   :includeRubygemsInTestResources => false,
               :includeRubygemsInResources => true )
plugin( :war, '2.2',
        :warSourceDirectory => '${basedir}/public',
        :webResources => [ { :directory => '${basedir}',
                             :targetPath => 'WEB-INF',
                             :includes => [ '' ] } ] )

now we need the public/WEB-INF/web.xml


for more config options see now we need to get ruby-maven ;)

the layout changed to

├── Gemfile
├── Mavenfile
├── lib
|   └── ....
└── public
    └── WEB-INF
        └── web.xml

almost ready to pack the war file, just make sure Ruby-Maven is installed:

gem install ruby-maven

maybe bundle the gems first - optional ;-)

bundle install

after running

rmvn package

we have (assume you are in 'my_application' directory)

└── pkg
    ├── my_application.war
    ├── classes
    └── rubygems
        ├── bin
        ├── build_info
        ├── cache
        ├── doc
        ├── gems
        └── specifications

one note about bundler: make sure that the application does NOT rely on the auto-require feature of bundler, you do not need the Gemfile inside the war. this example assumes that fact.

compatiblity with servlet containers

rubygems does not work with some classloader. in such a case you can setup the load-path in WEB-INF/init.rb like

$:.unshift "classpath:/gems/dm-transactions-1.2.0/lib"
$:.unshift "classpath:/gems/fastercsv-1.5.5/lib"
$:.unshift "classpath:/gems/ixtlan-error-handler-0.4.5/lib"
$:.unshift "classpath:/gems/dm-validations-1.2.0/lib"

this solves most of the gem related classloader problems !

other classloaders have a problem with those packed jars inside jruby-stdlib. unpacking that jruby-stdlib.jar into WEB-INF/classes does help. adding explicit dependencies of the default gems to your Gemfile could help. retrieve the list of default gems like this:

GEM_PATH= GEM_HOME= jruby -S gem list -l

example of how to unpack JRuby-Stdlib:


packaging :war

jruby_version = '1.7.13'
pom( 'org.jruby:jruby', jruby_version
     :exclusions => ['org.jruby:jruby-stdlib' ])
# needed to install gems for the build itself
jar( 'org.jruby:jruby-stdlib', jruby_version,
      :scope => :provided )

jar( 'org.jruby.rack:jruby-rack', '1.1.14', 
     :exclusions => [ 'org.jruby:jruby-complete' ] )

jruby_plugin!( :gem,
               :includeLibDirectoryInResources => true,
			   :includeRubygemsInTestResources => false,
               :includeRubygemsInResources => true )
plugin( :dependency, '2.8', :phase => 'prepare-package'
        :artifactItems => [ { :groupId => 'org.jruby',
                              :artifactId => 'jruby-stdlib',
                              :version => jruby_version,
                              :outputDirectory => '${}' } ] ) do
  execute_goal( :unpack )

plugin( :war, '2.2',
        :warSourceDirectory => '${basedir}/public',
        :webResources => [ { :directory => '${basedir}',
                             :targetPath => 'WEB-INF',
                             :includes => [ '' ] } ] )

that is much more then the initial setup.

customize when you have a different application layout

use app instead of a lib directory add

 resource :directory => '.', :includes => [ 'app/**' ]

and the :includeLibDirectoryInResources => true is not needed anymore.

for rails you need to add further directories (untested from my side and might need some more attention)

 resource :directory => '.', :includes => [ 'app/**', 'config/**', 'lib/**' ]
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