By @alesanchezr and other contributors at 4Geeks Academy
π₯ Here you can find the documentation about these boilerplates:
Empty project: Ideal for beginners, lightweight to run HTML projects.
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Vanilla JS: Use webpack without front-end frameworks. Hot Deploy. ES7. Minimum configuration but professional workflow. Ideal for juniors starting on webpack.
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React.js: Create React App comes with too many files and almost no utilities. With documentation and video tutorials, deploy to different servers in just one command. Ideal for anyone.
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React.js Advanced: Ideal for professional development, Minimum version for Flux + Context API implemented. One click deploy to several hostings free, documentation and video tutorials.
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Full Stack: React + Flask API: React Front-End and Python/Flask API backend, one click deploy to Heroku.
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Fast API: Ideal for professional backend development, the minimum possible boilerplate for building API's with Fast API. Fixes common problems like CORS, Tests, Error Handling, Authentication, SQL Alchemy Integration, Pipenv, .env, One-Click deploy to and Heroku (free hosting).
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Express API (with TypeScript): Building API's with Express and TypeScript. Uses TypeORM as ORM. Heroku ready.
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Flask API: Ideal for professional backend development, the minimum possible boilerplate for building API's with Flask. Fixes common problems like CORS, Tests, Error Handling, Authentication, SQL Alchemy Integration, Pipenv, .env, One-Click deploy to Heroku (free hosting).
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Flask API + VanillaJS: The Flask boilerplate merged with the VanillaJS boilerplate, for anyone interested in publishing front-end and back-end in the same hosting and one unified project.
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Django Rest: Smallest possible approach for building API's with django, one click deploy to Heroku (free hosting), documentation and video tutorials.
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Headless WordPress for Developers: Heavy developer oriented boilerplate for WP, create API's similar to modern frameworks like Flask, Express, etc. MVC Implementation and bare minimum theme implementation. 100% command line integration and installation. No need for the WordPress admin.
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These templates were built as part of the 4Geeks Academy Coding Bootcamp by Alejandro Sanchez and many other contributors. Find out more about our Full Stack Developer Course, Data Science Bootcamp.
You can find other templates and resources like this at the school's Github page.