🎻 A project for open source music compositions!
Every work hosted here is available on a CC-BY-4.0
license which permits almost any use subject to providing credit and license notice. If you'd like to use this content for any purpose just submit an issue and a reply will satisfy this requirement.
Would you like to modify works or add your own? Contributions and forks are encouraged (links to new versions will be added to this readme). This project expects light-weight, shareable formats such as midi
or .band
, they should only use software instruments and shouldn't depend on heavier media files such as recordings.
- title: buena noche
- authors: @jsmedmar
- image: @tommdg
- 𝄢 sheet music
- authors: @jsmedmar
- authors: @jsmedmar
- 𝄢 sheet music
- authors: @jsmedmar