Never miss another vinyl deal again!
I recently wrote a bot which sends notifications to you when your favorite artist or album goes on sale on /r/VinylDeals.
To use it, you just need to comment on one of the top 50 posts on /r/VinylDeals with
VinylDealBot [Artist | Album]
So for example if I commented
VinylDealBot Red Hot Chili Peppers
VinylDealBot By The Way
I would get messages whenever a red hot chili peppers album or By the way is posted on vinyldeals.
If you want to do multiple artists/albums at a time, just separate them with a semicolon
VinylDealBot Cream; The Eagles; Californication
To remove alerts:
VinylDealBot Remove Cream; The Eagles; Californication
To remove all alerts:
VinylDealBot RemoveAll
To show all of the alerts you set up:
VinylDealBot ShowAlerts
Please see this thread to use the bot!