HSV color picker using Unity UI. Unity Forum Thread
Unity 2020.3 LTS
Follow the instructions on OpenUpm https://openupm.com/packages/com.judahperez.hsvcolorpicker/
"scopedRegistries": [
"name": "package.openupm.com",
"url": "https://package.openupm.com",
"scopes": []
"dependencies": {
"com.judahperez.hsvcolorpicker": "3.3.0"
Should be really easy to use. Just add the prefab to the canvas, hook up an event, and it's good to go.
using HSVPicker;
using UnityEngine;
public class SomeClass : MonoBehavior
public Renderer renderer;
public ColorPicker picker;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
picker.onValueChanged.AddListener(color =>
renderer.material.color = color;
renderer.material.color = picker.CurrentColor;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if you want to assign your own color first, just do this call and it sets the slider and picker to the proper selection.
Color color = Color.green;
picker.CurrentColor = color;
Can be toggled and sized as needed in settings.
On the color picker setup section.
Show Rgb: Show RGB sliders.
Show Hsv: Show HSV sliders.
Show Alpha: Show the alpha slider.
Show Color Box: Show the larger color selection box and color column.
Show Color Slider Toggle: Show the button to toggle the HSV and RGB sliders.
Show Header: Options to show the top header with color preview and hex code.
- Hide: Hide the top header.
- Show Color: Show only the color preview in the header.
- Show Color Code: Show only the color code in the header.
- Show All: Show the entire top header.
The prefabs starts with 4 colors in the color presets. This can be updated in the Setup section of the picker prefab.
Set the Preset Colors Id for different shared list between color pickers.