Minecraft NPC library for 1.8-1.15 servers. This Library does only support the latest patch release of a supported version (for example 1.13.2). Issues with older patch versions (for example 1.13.1) won't be fixed.
This library can only be used on spigot servers higher or on version 1.8.8. The plugin ProtocolLib is required on your server.
Add the repository and dependency to your plugin:
maven {
name 'jitpack.io'
url 'https://jitpack.io'
compile group: 'com.github.juliarn', name: 'npc-lib', version: '2.0-RELEASE'
Add ProtocolLib as dependency to your plugin.yml. It could look like this:
name: Hub
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
api-version: "1.13"
depend: [ProtocolLib]
author: juliarn
main: com.github.juliarn.server.hub.ServerHub
Now you're all set! You can start by creating an instance of the NPCPool and the NPC.Builder.